Sunday 3 August 2008

Cool Cuil and the Google iceberg

Anna Patterson's latest search engine venture since quitting Google in 2006, Cuil, had its PR launch this week and received a cold if not frozen reception.

To crack the mighty Google iceberg requires a biblical David and Goliath effort - the right stone catapulted on-target causing a giant to fall. Cuil's launch threw lots of little stones, but none of them directly targeted at Google. It demonstrated a search engine with lots of ideas, but also demonstrated a lot of flaws - currently, Cuil's user interface is not intuitive and too complex, the results returned are questionable and the matching of images against results is clearly buggy that could be detrimental to a corporate's brand positioning.

What Cuil successfully achieved was press coverage of a child stamping their foot whilst noisily munching on a 'Cuil' ice-lolly. One can only conclude that a flawed release was purposeful in order to generate awareness and help Cuil precisely select and throw the 'right' damaging stone in an attempt to directly down Google in the future...but, can the ice-lolly crack the iceberg, or, will both melt leaving behind just the iceberg and a stick with a joke written on it?

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