Wednesday 18 June 2008

Firefox 3.0 World Record: Acquisition, Retention and Ongoing Loyalty in one go

Firefox's Guinness World Record attempt for the greatest number of software downloads in 24 hours coincides with the launch of their new Firefox 3.0 browser, and is the latest tactic to gain share in an already saturated market place.

This ingenious campaign achieves worldwide awareness of their latest product and, comparing it with Microsoft's push strategy for rolling-out IE7, Firefox have adopted a pull approach that simultaneously covers off acquisition of new customers, retention of existing customers and engenders ongoing customer loyalty for the product in one fell swoop...and on a global scale.

The Guinness World Record for software downloads campaign is supported by the 'Spread Firefox' microsite and includes, of course, plenty of opportunities to download the new Firefox 3.0 browser, and a visual 'tangible' interactive world map that was highlighting the number of downloads throughout the time period. This reference point encourages a potential sustained relationship for a minimum of 24 hours, but then that's all Firefox needs - as long as the latest brower is downloaded...job done!

Although the benefits of Firefox 3.0 are highlighted, it is unlikely that these are driving people to download the browser - it's the event; the participation; the buying into human behaviour of belonging to a group of like minded people.

The beta version of IE8 is due in August. It will be interesting to see if Microsoft decides to be equally creative and intelligent with their rollout.

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